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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Fed up on prequels
Hollywood is plagued with prequels these days and it's getting old. I will admit.. This prequel in particular did have it's moments. Although it's impossible not to compare it to it's predecessor. Fury Road remains one of the best action movies ever made, only Die Hard and Terminator 2 can challenge it. This one felt somewhat average for lack of a better word. The story was definitely better than it's predecessor but that's not necessarily something worth bragging about. I expected high paced action and if I wanted Shakespearean storytelling I would have picked a different movie.

There was plenty of action in this one but it didn't hit me the same way Fury Road did.. The practical effects felt lazy and the visual effects was honestly just bad. It will not sweep the Oscars like Fury Road did but it may win a few technical awards. Best makeup, sound mixing etc. If this is your first Mad Max movie you might appreciate it more than I did. I went in with ridiculously high expectations and it didn't live up to them. Objectively it's a fine movie but not the best in the series, far from it.


The Karate Kid Part III

Cobra Kai made it more relevant than it deserves to be
While I do love Cobra Kai, I don't love this. Terry Silver aka the villain is a poorly written character and he does not belong in this movie, or any other movie for that matter. He's only purpose for existing is for the viewers to hate him. There is no motive behind his actions, he's just being an a-hole for the sole purpose of being an a-hole and that's it.. And I always knew Creese was a rotten egg but at least he had a purpose.. They dumbed him down in this movie, he went from being one of the most iconic villains of all time to this.. Can't praise Daniel either, every one of his actions during this pathetic excuse for a movie was completely out of character and he had nothing in common with the Daniel we knew from the previous movies.. Miyagi behaved somewhat consistently but it's not enough to save it.

I'm giving it 3/10 and that's about as generous as I can be. Honestly there is nothing likable about this movie..

South Park: Scott Tenorman Must Die
Episode 4, Season 5

Slightly overrated
Don't get me wrong, it's a classic and I love it but it's considered the best episode of all times and I can name at least 10 episodes more worthy of the title. The ending is the reason why it's rated higher than it deserves to be. It was disturbing, shocking and highly unexpected. Not a living soul saw it coming and I kinda get where the majority is coming from but not really.. I will admit, I wanted this Scott Tenorman to suffer just like the rest of you.. This episode made us think like a psychopath and it was a daring choice from Matt & Trey. A fine episode, I repeat: A FINE episode but not the best South Park has to offer.

Family Guy: Seahorse Seashell Party
Episode 2, Season 10

Slightly underrated
I enjoyed this episode back when it aired and I still enjoy it to this day. Watching Meg standing up to her family was deeply satisfying and Brian tripping on mushrooms was kinda cool.. I have no idea what gave Seth the inspiration but It perfectly illustrated what a bad trip might feel like and the animation was tight. This episode was part of a "Trilogy" if you will. American Dad and The Cleveland Show released episodes with a similar theme the same week and Family Guy's version was the best of the bunch in my opinion.

I'm struggling to understand why it's only rated 6.6, this episode is far better than average.

Home and Away

Longest running TV show in Norway...
It's been running since the early 90s and it's still going strong.. Pretty much everyone I know agrees it's a horrible show but that doesn't stop us from watching it.. I will admit, it be be a sad day when it runs it's course. This show is a part of me, for better or worse.. Been watching ever since Alf was a young man and he's the main reason I'm still watching it. You know what you're in for with soap operas, they always suck and I dare you to name a single one that's objectively good.

The fact that it's still running in Norway tells me there's still a market for it. I both love and hate this show but I think the love outweighs the hate in this case. I'm giving it 4/10 and that's more generous than it deserves.

Wicked Little Letters

Well... At least I learned a few new curse words
Gotta give it to the British, they know how to curse.. And so does the Irish apparently. As for the movie itself.. It's supposed to be based on a true story but I doubt it was. Real life doesn't work like that and it never has. The acting was decent for the most part but the story was really not that interesting. And it's supposed to be a comedy but I didn't laugh a single time.. They should have spent a little more time writing jokes because none of them landed and the physical comedy was sorely lacking. It seemed like a lazy production to me.

Probably the weakest British comedy I have seen in my life if I'm being honest.

Zombieland: Double Tap

On par with the first one
People are being way too harsh on this movie and I can't figure out why. It was more or less the same as the original only with a slightly higher budget. Humor, action, drama and horror is spot on and so is the acting. This is what I paid to see and I got my money's worth. It didn't disappoint me for a second.. Why the negative reviews? And why is it rated 6,7?? Were you expecting Oscar material with a deep story and a groundbreaking plot or something?? It's a Zombie flick, you knew that before you decided to see it.. The word is in the title.

Not gonna go as far as to say it's the best of it's kind but still a damn good sequel with memorable quotes and some great actors to go with it. A solid 8/10 from me!

Family Guy: Faith No More
Episode 15, Season 22

Why do I even torture myself...
I have no good answer as to why I'm still watching this show. I got introduced to Family Guy in season 8 and Road to the Multiverse made me fell in love with this show. Back then they had passion for the craft and the episodes was funny and creative. Even though it was ultimately a pointless laugh out loud comedy show, I actually got emotionally invested in it and I started to care about the characters.. Now I couldn't care less and apparently, neither could the creators. This once great television show is just sad, pathetic and straight up unfunny. They're not even trying anymore and they're not trying to hide the fact that they're not trying.

If you had any respect for your audience you would have canceled it by now but sadly that's not the world we live in.


Gotta give it to Oliver Stone
I didn't know what to expect going into this. I knew the Vietnam war was the main theme and I knew Charlie Sheen was in it. I noticed he was young and inexperienced and more suited for comedy than drama. If I had to pick a weak link in the acting it would have to be him. As for the movie itself.. Showing the brutality and carelessness of the vengeful American soliders was not something I expected, and it's hard to blame Vietnam for defending themselves.. The bad guys in this movie was definitely the Americans and that's a rare portrayal as far as American made movies goes. A fine movie showing the reality of war but the acting may have needed some tuning.

A solid 8/10 from me.

Ted Lasso: All Apologies
Episode 9, Season 1

I don't wanna drink with someone that selfish
Some interesting character development in this episode. This was the first time this show made me go wow! Beard is the last person you would expect to raise his voice, and even tho Ted's heart was in the right place.. Beard was absolutely right! Winning or losing does matter in professional sports, losing does in fact have repercussions. The humiliation of relegation is not something a Premier League team wants to go through. Although this is a laugh out loud comedy show, it gets serious when it has to. It's not always fun and games and this episode perfectly illustrates it.

Ted Lasso was a brilliant show and I hope they give us more seasons.

21 Jump Street

Guiltless pleasure
Yes, I know it's not a masterpiece but I don't care. Sometimes it's okay to shut your brain off and watch a braindead buddy cop movie with no depth or meaning. I don't feel guilty watching this at all, in fact I enjoy every second of it and it gets better every time I watch it. And I can sort of relate to Jonah Hills character.. That was basically me back in my school days.. Except I'm a lightweight and my grades were not particularly good... And my money management is questionable. He harmonizes really well with Channing Tatum, a highly unexpected duo that works better than you might imagine. And Chaning Tatum has the ability to make me laugh without really saying or doing anything funny, unique talent indeed.

My only complain about this this franchise is that there are only two movies.. I think I speak for every person alive when I say we need another sequel!!

Any time now, any time...

Vinland Saga

Overpraised as with every other anime in existence
I get why this stuff appeals to children but the majority of you are grown ups with fully functioning brains.. And it's impossible to have an argument with anime fans, they will go straight into defense mode whenever you criticize any aspects of it. This is NOT a masterpiece. Why is it rated 8.8? Were you all dropped on your heads as children or something??.. It uses the same recipe as every other anime I've had the misfortune of watching.. Spiky hair, woman with huge knockers, cheesy dialogue and characters screaming and being overly emotional all the friggin' time.. Yeah the visuals are great but that's about it for the positives.

Raise your standards and GROW UP!

Thank you.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Kevin's not here
Kevin was everything I wanted to be when I was a kid. A little troublemaker but with a big heart who did the right thing when he had to. Every kid in the 90s dreamt about dealing with bad guys the way he did. They may have pushed it a bit too far in this one tho, it kinda feels like Marv and Harry should have been dead at least three times.. At least. But then again, it's a kids movie and it's not meant to be taken seriously, I watch the two original Home Alone movies with my family every Christmas and it never stops being funny. By Christmas this year my son will be 5 years old and it's time to show him this timeless classic!

I will admit the first Home Alone movie is superior to this one but it's still a worthy entry and it's not complete without it. Nothing I would want more than for the original cast to return for a final re-union, it deserves an actual sequel and a modern day touch.


At least the music was good..
.. And Kevin Bacon makes me question my sexual preference but that's about it for the positives.. Some nice dancemoves thrown in there as well but the story was really not that interesting.

I liked the premise about dancing being illegal and the kids rebelling against parental authority, cool idea but the execution was rather questionable. I like 80s cheese in general but this didn't agree with me. It's comparable to Dirty Dancing and Flash Dance in terms of music and dancing but they were far superior in terms of storytelling. This one fell short. It would have worked better with an R-Rating.

Not the worst movie I've seen but still I don't feel the need to see it again, once was enough.

Family Guy: Take This Job and Love It
Episode 12, Season 22

When was the last time Family Guy released a banger??
I have seen all I need to see from this show. They no longer have the element of surprise, they tell the same joke over and over again but from a slightly different angle and it's no longer funny, or culturally relevant for that matter. Seth & his crew admitted they're no longer directly involved in the production, they come in every week to do the voices but that's it.. They have no part in the creative process and it's become lazy, pointless and stupid. They fell in the same trap as The Simspons.. It's been running for way too long without a valid reason to do so and it should have been canceled about 10 years ago.

I envy those of you who still find humor in this garbage,I truly do.. Wish I was that clueless.


I actually felt sorry for him... At first
Joaquin Phoenix absolutely nails this role and it is arguably one of the most deserved Oscars in movie history. This is a very different interpretation of the Joker character than we're used to. We got to see what led him to become the way he is and it was a daring choice from the creators, dealing with subject matters that normal producers are too afraid to even touch. During my first watch I sincerely wanted him to shoot Murray, if he didn't it would feel like a letdown.. During my second viewing I saw it more objectively.. Yes I had empathy with him but starting a movement, killing his mother, the people at the train, his colleagues and a talkshow host for poking fun at him was certainly not the way to ease his pain.

Tarantino praised this movie after watching it on the big screen, saying if you haven't seen it on the big screen you haven't seen the actual movie. Sadly I never did but even on a regular sized screen it was impactful enough. A highly disturbing movie but a damn good one at that.



The title of the show is spot on
If you missed a single episode you would indeed be completely "Lost". If you paid attention on the other hand it was the most rewarding show on television at the time. It had a great diversity of characters with different personalities, all stranded on a mysterious island doing whatever they could to survive. The mystery kept us guessing and left us wondering and I felt like a kid on Christmas every time they released a new episode.. Up until a certain point that is.

I dare say this show didn't stay the course even tho some of you claim it did. Starting in season 4 they got off track, they introduced a bunch of new and un-interesting characters with annoying traits and they practically switched from drama to science fiction.. Suddenly time travel was implimented, and that's not what we originally signed up for.. Some of you claim the ending was perfect even tho our questions remained un-answered and that the show itself had nothing to do with the mystery but rather the characters surrounding it.. Which is complete nonsense. If it wasn't about the mystery, why add in the first place??

The answer is simple: To keep us watching!!! Lost is not the first show in history to trick their viewers but it felt more severe because we had high expectations, similar to Game of Thrones from a certain point of view.

I will admit, I teared up in the final episode. It was emotional and well crafted. Lost is a fine show with great characters and a great story to go with it. Still I can't help but feel a little disappointed.



Well... At least Charlie Sheen made a cameo
It was nice to see him working with Chuck Lorre again after all these years, same thing goes for Angus T. Jones ( The kid who played Jake ).. As for the general quality of this show I'm not impressed. Chuck Lorre is famous for making banger TV shows but this one didn't hit me the right way. The fact that there is no laugh track doesn't bother me but the jokes just weren't that funny... The humor is too dry and simple. And the characters are stereotypical, boring and one-dimensional.

Hard to get invested into it really. I want to like this but I just can't. I pray season 2 will be better but Judging by what I've seen so far, I have my doubts.

Not the worst show I've seen but still a below average production.

The Dark Knight Rises

A solid entry overshadowed by it's predecessor
I don't wanna call it overrated or underrated. It's a solid entry and a good way to end a fantastic trilogy and I think most of you will back me up on that one. Would love a fourth movie but I doubt it will ever happen. I remember talks about Eddie Murphy playing The Riddler prior to it's release but sadly it never became a reality.

The Dark Knight Rises is without a doubt the most action packed in this trilogy, and arguably the most entertaining. But it didn't hit me the same way it's predecessor did. Tom Hardly portrayed Bane like a champion but this trilogy will be remembered for Heath Ledger and his portrayal of The Joker, the most iconic villain in movie history and I don't say that lightly.. Not an easy roll to fill but he nailed it to say the least.

I know some of you fanboys didn't appreciate it's "realistic" approach. The characters was less "cartoony" more relatable and closer to real life. If you ask me, it was the best thing that could happen to the Batman concept. It deserved this approach and Nolan did it justice.

This is, and it will always be the ultimate version of Batman.. And the second best trilogy in movie history.

Scary Movie 3

What you clowns talking about? It's a masterpiece!!
The plot is a work of pure genius, a labyrinth of complexity that even the most seasoned scholars of film theory would struggle to decipher. It's like a Shakespearean play, if Shakespeare had a sense of humor that only a connoisseur of the finest dad jokes could appreciate. The subtle nuances and intellectual depth of the narrative are so profound that you might find yourself questioning your own existence by the end of it.

The performances are nothing short of Oscar-worthy. Charlie Sheen's portrayal of a man caught in the crossfire of extraterrestrial conspiracy is a tour de force, a gripping exploration of the human condition in the face of intergalactic absurdity. And who could forget the mesmerizing chemistry between Anna Faris and Leslie Nielsen? Their on-screen connection is so palpable that I wouldn't be surprised if they were secretly solving world peace behind the scenes.

The special effects are on another level entirely. Forget about the groundbreaking CGI in Avatar; Scary Movie 3's visual effects are so cutting-edge that James Cameron probably wishes he had thought of them first. The aliens are so realistic that you might find yourself scanning the night sky for signs of an impending invasion.

And let's not overlook the cultural commentary woven throughout the film. Scary Movie 3 is a social satire that rivals the works of Swift and Voltaire. It's a mirror held up to society, reflecting our deepest fears and desires with unparalleled wit and insight. The film's social commentary is so profound that it will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality.

In conclusion, Scary Movie 3 is not just a movie; it's a transcendental experience that will leave you questioning the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in between. Move over, Shawshank Redemption, because there's a new sheriff in town, and its name is Scary Movie 3. Bravo, Hollywood, bravo.

Why this masterpiece wasn't nominated in a single Oscar category is beyond my comprehension.

Shaun of the Dead

Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over
This is hands down my favorite comedy ever made.

Sorry Hot Fuzz but I prefer this one over you.. It was a close call tho. It was made by a small studio with a limited budget but every scene is done to absolute perfection. The camerawork is great, the acting is spot on, it's funny as can be and it even gets scary when it needs to. Near the end I stopped laughing because I was genuinely concerned for the characters and their well being. This movie is very quotable and it have some amazing one liners. And Even 20 years after it's release I still can't stop laughing at the fence jump scene. Gotta give it to Edgar Wright and his crew, they know their craft.

Would love for them to go back to their roots and make more low budget comedy movies, they seem to work better in this format. Sadly they turned to Hollywood as brilliant filmmakers often do.

The Day After Tomorrow

The cold is coming to get you, RUN!!
I was 14 when this movie released, I saw it on the big screen with my classmates and they all seemed to enjoy it for whatever reason. I stormed out of the movie theater halfway through because I couldn't take it anymore. I was lucky enough to see it again on television yesterday and I actually finished it this time.. It was actually better than I remembered. Not objectively of course but I laughed all the way through.. It was actually comedy gold!!.. I doubt the creators intended for the audience to laugh uncontrollably but that's the effect it had on me.. It was so friggin' stupid I couldn't control myself..

Typical Roland Emmerich movie. No research, no logic. He doesn't know how to make movies but that doesn't stop him. Giving it two stars because of decent-ish visual effects but that's all I can give it.

8 Mile

I don't even like rap...
Except for Tupac because of reasons.

But regardless of my taste in music, Eminem is my God. Heck he could be singing opera and he would still be my God.. Although I will admit he's not the greatest actor but I don't care. Just seing him on the screen fills me with awe!.. And this movie almost tricked me into liking rap music because of his writing. Jay Z described him as "Lyrically insane" and I couldn't agree more.. The final rap battle is stuck in my head and I know it by heart. Word has it that Papa Doc never recovered mentally from the verbal abuse he had to endure.

Although this is partially a biography, I would still love a sequel. Anytime now God, anytime now.

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

Oh dear..
A friend of mine made me watch this and he suggested the sequels after it was done and I firmly had to put my foot down because nah. I don't mind gore as long as it's done right.. This is not done right. It's made by a bunch of amateurs who don't know how the make movies. The production team practically admitted the only reason they made this pathetic excuse for a movie was because of money. They're not even trying to hide the fact that they're sellouts, they straight up said it.

I understand it has a cult following but I don't understand why.. How this garbage can appeal to a single living soul is beyond comprehension.

I knew of this movie's existence through South Park but I never thought I would find myself watching the real version.. I was warned behorehand, I knew i was heading for disappointment.. Only reason I gave it one star is because it doesn't go any lower.. Movies like this makes me think IMDB need a new rating-system. Honestly the worst movie I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen quite a few.

Don't waste your time on this.

Jurassic World

I was rooting for the dinosaurs..
Just finished watching the entire franchise for reasons I can't explain. The first one is a masterpiece but anything made after that ranges from boring to laughable.. And I didn't laugh because it was funny, I laughed because it was pathetic. I counted a few attempts to be funny but it wasn't. Only positive thing about the sequels are the visual effects. They do look quite impressive but I couldn't get invested in the story at all. The first movie kept me on the edge of my seat because I felt it.. The look in the kids eyes, it felt like they were really in danger and I was there with them every step of the way.. In this one I honestly just wanted the kids to get eaten and for the dinosaurs to triumph over humanity.. And the forced love scene between the two main characters is hands down the most pathetic attempt at romance I have ever witnessed in a movie.

6.9 is too good for a movie like this. Great use of CGI does not make for a great movie, the sooner you clowns realize that the better. Thank you, and please raise your standards.

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