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The First Wives Club

You Don't Own Me!
This feels like such a good film. I watched it last night and I can't be any happier. It's definitely the best film I've watched in a long, long time. I originally came to know about this film from a Youtube video of the three main characters performing the song 'You Don't Own Me' which got me really excited to watch it.

So, I watched it. The three main characters had three strikingly different yet similar backstories and the way they met was just genius. The personalities of all three women, Brenda, Elise and Annie, were magnificent. Elise was vain, Brenda was tempestuous and Annie was timid yet fun-loving. I mostly relate to Annie although Brenda was such a great character too.

The ending, for me, was just perfect and I couldn't have enjoyed it any more. Sure, there were parts in the middle of the film that lacked energy, but overall it was a marvellous film. At first, it didn't seem like my kind of film, but I gave it a go and it became my kind of film, hence the title of this review.

I don't know what else to say, apart from Maggie Smith was excellent, and the whole plot was perfect.

I. Loved. It.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Characters!
Well, this movie is quite something, I'll tell you that. The start of the film is just amazing, introducing us to the main characters. You have characters in every film, but the films I most love is where there are multiple characters from different walks of life, most of whom have never met each other before.

So there's Evelyn, Graham, Douglas and Jean, Muriel, Madge and Norman. Norman was my least favourite, despite providing some comedic moments. Madge was slightly more entertaining, but with a somewhat...lacking personality. Douglas and Jean had such a difficult relationship, and even though I felt forced, their part of the plot was the most entertaining which included my favourite scene. Graham was great, and originally I thought he would end up with Jean, but it was revealed he was gay and then he died. Of a heart condition, not because he was gay. Muriel was my favourite character, because she had the most personality. She was relatable, realistic and sharp. It was great watching her, and Maggie Smith's portrayal was absolutely perfect. She drew me in from her first line.

Evelyn, however, was the protagonist, narrating the film in parts. We went on a journey with her, and explored her emotions. Like Muriel, and Graham, she had a prominent back-story which elevated her character and made her more popular with audiences, including me.

Then there was Sonny, owner of the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. He was funny, had a girlfriend who was also a great character, and an unbearable mother who made me hate her when she came on-screen.

Overall, I just love the characters and cannot praise this film enough for a perfect mixture of brilliant storytelling and amazing acting.

Murder by Death

I Love This...
Amazingly funny, witty and intriguing throughout. I loved Miss Marbles and the Maid provided the funniest moment in the entire film. I loved the ending, it didn't make sense but it was still awesome!!!

The characters were amazing, especially Milo Perrier and Jessica Marbles but I can't stop laughing about how amazing the character of Inspector Wang was. If you ever see this on TV, WATCH IT because it will leave you feeling so good about everything.

This is probably one of the best movies of the '70s and needs more recognition, because everything about it was funny and clever.

Lionel Twain was good but evil but confusing.....Aggh I don't know what to say about his character, but the butler creeped me out and cracked me up from the moment I saw him.

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