
IMDb member since June 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


No Sudden Move

Was thia filmed on gropro??
Man, great cast but movie fell flat at the end. The way this was shot with a slight fisheye lense with the borders shadowed kept taking me pointlessly out of focusing on the movie. Stupid idea and a waste.

Dark Web: Cicada 3301

Confused, ridiculous and awkward.
This movie felt like 5 different movies mashed together and tried way too hard to be anything other than cliche and cringey. The storyline was so ridiculous at points and it was like it was being written as it was shot. Nothing tied together, no real conclusion/pay-off with a few cheap laughs along the way. Oof..


Desperate. Very very desperate. Don't bother and don't trust positive reviews.
The only real mystery is why I watched this all the way through. Bigfoot, mothman, ghosts, aliens and goblins.. even some very awkward IP address tracing and fumbly VPN explanations (lol.). This documentary is a very desperate attempt to crowbar a lack of evidence, confirmation bias, apparent synchronicity and every historic mythical being under the sun except the Lochness Monster and Santa into a series of very boring and confused offerings. This is hive mind manifest. This 'documentary' is boring and largely forgettable.

The Boy

Obvious (spoilers)
Well shot and scored however doesn't really deliver.

Unfortunately the majority of the scares that this movie generates are within dream sequences. This is usually the tell of a movie that, within the conscious world of the movie itself, will bring minimal surprises.

I had the story picked within 18 minutes which is where ALL of the key explanations are revealed.

instructions that food was not to be wasted (he would have been eating them after they were disposed of in the trash bags), music was to be played loud (so he could hear it through the walls) as well as books being read loudly. That, along with the parents having a son that 'died' at the age of 8 and that he liked to play games.

I spent the remainder of the movie waiting on the reveal which was done quite poorly.

Unfortunately very obvious.

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