
IMDb member since November 2017
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    IMDb Member
    6 years



New take on supernatural creatures
Well written storyline, although was very slow. Premise of who are you really and are you sure that's who you are. Musician gets a chance to work with a maestro of the industry but is everything as it seems.


Good story, unfortunately very slow
The premise behind this film was good and slightly different take on an end of the world scenario but very slow with very little action. Story flicks between timelines to give backstory which is not too bad but doesn't fully explain what happened so left guessing.


Breathtaking scenery, great plot
Really enjoyed this movie. The roving camera of the scenic countryside were breathtaking, the plot was clever. I saw this movie without subtitles so some aspects although Norwegian you could still understand the story and why was happening. Some really good moments in this movie showing different sides of human nature - Love, Understanding, Greed, Religious Fanaticism although not in the way you suspect. It's great to see a movie where the characters grow rather than just being predictable like so many others these days

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