
IMDb member since April 2018
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Is It Cake?

Great show worst host
Netflix do yourself a huge favor for the sake of this creative show, or any show, never hire Mikey Day he is so obnoxious and no where near cute enough to be this obnoxious. It makes the show harder to sit through and the talent is great but he's such a turn off I rather not watch this again. Another host I would give it another season but not with Day, he's the worst money can pay for.

And Just Like That...

Michael Patrick how dare you.
First if all HBO I'm so disappointed after all these years you all really thought it was Carrie Bradshaw that kept us loyal no offense because you're top notch but this isn't what we want and after all we have been through.... It's too much.

In my opinion and many others SAMANTHA was the golden goose of SATC. Not Carrie, it felt as if Carrie was a friend we put up with and her self inflicted nonsense just to hang out with the comic relief Samantha.

All you have to do is look up impressions of these characters by fans, and see which one of these actresses is portrayed the most. I see Samantha Jones content regularly on social media .... The star it's not Carrie.... it was Kim.

Then we go through years of torture and Purgatory watching Carey go after this self serving playboy that left her at the altar. They went through a divorce and back in love after 84 years....then we end up liking him a little bit and then you do this.

Samantha would NEVER do Carrie like that by the Fing way....

An ATM?!?!?? How dare the writers come up with such an insane theory.

Samantha had it all and I think everybody saw her being Carrie's publicist as charity for her best friend ...... Carrie was always broke in comparison so that whole scene was KAKA.

Even if she made a profit we all know she barely made anything off her best friend!!! How dare you....

That's it .



And Just Like That...

Michael Patrick how dare you.
First if all HBO I'm so disappointed after all these years you all really thought it was Carrie Bradshaw that kept us loyal no offense because you're top notch but this isn't what we want and after all we have been through.... It's too much.

In my opinion and many others SAMANTHA was the golden goose of SATC. Not Carrie, it felt as if Carrie was a friend we put up with and her self inflicted nonsense just to hang out with the comic relief Samantha.

All you have to do is look up impressions of these characters by fans, and see which one of these actresses is portrayed the most. I see Samantha Jones content regularly on social media .... The star it's not Carrie.... it was Kim.

Then we go through years of torture and Purgatory watching Carey go after this self serving playboy that left her at the altar. They went through a divorce and back in love after 84 years....then we end up liking him a little bit and then you do this.

Samantha would NEVER do Carrie like that by the Fing way....

An ATM?!?!?? How dare the writers come up with such an insane theory.

Samantha had it all and I think everybody saw her being Carrie's publicist as charity for her best friend ...... Carrie was always broke in comparison so that whole scene was KAKA.

Even if she made a profit we all know she barely made anything off her best friend!!! How dare you....

That's it .



Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Agreed- Worthy Successor
Wow. My husband and I are 80s babies and Ghostbusters is our favorite so we were expecting a lot. We weren't disappointed. I was crying by the end. The nostalgia was high, even the score music was true to the original. But the final fight scene was phenomenal. I don't want to say anything just watch it.

13 Minutes

A true DISGRACE is right.
I literally said this before I decided to write a review for this clickbait movie. 50 FIFTY MINUTES IN IS WHEN THERE IS ANY ACTION. I wasn't expecting a golden natural disaster masterpiece but I was expecting to you know, actually be entertained by a movie. The sole purpose of creating a film is to entertain. The storylines were what this movie was about. Bullshlaga propaganda with bullshlaga on every storyline. Hateful. Just hateful and not necessary for this type of film. I get it, there's a storm within this storm, in each of the characters the stupid story follows. Internal torment with a side of hot ignorance. This was poorly executed. It's like a moral story we had to watch in class in elementary. I finally get to the storm and I'm relieved so I don't have to see hateful people anymore. Ok bye.

The Forever Room

Listen to the 1 star -10 reviews not the 9 Issa lure to lies
Listen here for a real review.

Let's break down The Forever Room".

Toilet, is what this room should be called.

It's full of excrement, bad acting, the puppets should be illegal they were so cheap the voices were not scary nor convincing and I'm 100% positive the last review of 9 stars is the writer of this gem or a glorious troll. There is no way we watched the same characters/ subject matter. These women are average actors (self proclaimed) at your local free impromptu acting classes at the community center. Another white girl screaming in a basement.

Over what?

A predictable shyt show.

The puppets lit a match on this dumpster.

It's a dumpster fire if you value yourself at all, skip it.

If you're into self loathing watch this.


Negative 10
I want to say these young actresses have famous family members and that's what got them this opportunity because it sure as skata wasn't talent or appearance. This is some of the worst acting I have seen since Waterworld. I'm starting to lose faith in Hollywood either they were getting very desperate and running out of material or the brain capacity average is that of a boiled peanut. Skip it. Ok bye.


6 star rating is highly faked or paid for.
Let's be honest.

The movie is a catastrophe. It's reminiscent of other films and it feels like it was created to waste people's money and time by hiring Hugh as the lead role. Casting Hugh is a guarantee to sell tickets. So of course I am highly disappointed that this is so poorly created and time consuming. Just because you can afford to make a film doesn't mean you should. This is poorly written and badly executed. I didn't finish as it was either made for those with the brain capacity of a boiled peanut that are easily engaged in movies or people that are getting paid to say nice things that are not true. For a simple response of what I think of Reminisce is this is kaka. 1/10 stars. I rather pluck my eyelashes out one by one that watch this mindless nonsense or anything by the writer director again. Hollywood is dying. The ideas are stolen and redone. Nothing original anymore the magic has turned to ash.

Sweet Girl

Jason just being hot isn't enough to film.
This movie is awful. Just because an actor is well liked doesn't mean a film will be good. He's something to look at on Netflix this afternoon but this movie is awful.

I feel like he's even done this role before in the same type of background. It's boring. It's just another thing to see Jason Momoa in. Nothing entertaining or crowd pleasing. It's just slow burning and a waste of time.

Brand New Cherry Flavor

Eccentric Platinum!!
Well these are definitely my characters. If you are eccentric, into dark arts, occult, this show is for us.

Brand New Cherry Flavor is a trippy ride with mind bending effects added along the way. At first I was disgusted, in fact I puked when I saw our protagonist puke kittens as payment for the curse. Yup it got me too. Lou our screen villain reminds me so much of Jack Nicholson in the 90s even a little bit of his character is the devil in witches of East wick. Just doesn't have the voice or direct mannerisms but you'll see it with the looks they gave the character. I don't want to say too much because I want every scene in this glorious masterpiece to shock the skata out of you. It's marvelous. Ok bye. 10/10.


To hell with these reviews
It's an excellent film based on true events. The actors were excellent. Alex Bedria is handsome and can do no wrong. Hope I see him more he's phenomenal. Ok bye.

The Tomorrow War

The Sci-fi Action Earth Needed
POV Future Soldier: People of Earth! Stop fighting! Unite and prepare for an alien invasion! We come from the future! We just broke through the space time continuum with a tear wormhole, we come with devastating news: 30 years from now we will be at war with an invading species! We are almost wiped off the Earth with only 500,000 surviving and fighting human lives. We have come from the future to draft as many human lives as possible, no matter what age, men women and elderly are all needed to fight a common enemy. We cannot show you these invaders appearance because it would psychologically destroy you but we can prepare you to fight.

Welcome to The Tomorrow War

Chris Pratt is one of the drafted soldiers and gets to work with his future daughter to fight off the alien species that has invaded earth and wiped off most of the humans with less than half 1 million left surviving and fighting his daughter comes up with a solution that causes the monsters to break down and die she gives the formula to her father played by Chris Pratt in order for him to go back in time and kill them off before they kill the humans.

A series of events follow which I will save for the movie it is worth the two hours and 20 minutes it's action packed and an emotional roller coaster.

The ending where the aliens "landed" it was all very well written. The acting was amazing and the effects were phenomenal. 10/10.


It's ok. Not worth the production cost
In all honesty this movie is extremely easy to figure out unless you have the brain capacity of a boiled peanut as soon as they pulled her out of the lake I knew what was the key.... then when they actually get to the hub and we see the old woman it was confirmed.

The concept was great the execution was terrible.

The movie starts off exciting enough but it turns into a slow lagging nightmare that you just want to finish.

Netflix will cancel the best shows possible and then spend money on productions like this.. I don't understand them. I no longer trust Netflix. I'll tell you that much.

The Resort

Grossly insulting to anyone that values time.
If you value your life you will skip this movie.

First- this needs to be said for "Bro" O'Hurn.

"Even Hot gets boring."- quote Me on this one I've lived through it. Acting classes would greatly increase his chances at a solid career as an actor. Invest in your brand which would be you my guy... SECOND- There is Low Budget and then there is THIS MOVIE.

"Unsane" was shot on an iPhone with the lowest budget possible and it was well received and 10 times better than anything The Resort could be close to.

How are these scripts becoming reality ?

I think the producers are just wealthy and bored. I don't know who would back this creation!

They wanted hot people in their lives and decided to create this for that opportunity. The only logical explanation.

There is nothing to watch. It was poorly written, even worse the directing, the actors were cast on looks.

Not for their believable skills.

It's time to stop producing these types of films "Just because you can con people into investing in your 'Art'.

Chaos Walking

Chaos and Criminal
It's criminal my time was stolen from me watching this nonsense of a good trilogy. The storyline was completely chaotic. The acting was boring, and I'm sorry the villain every movie he's in you know - oh yeah he's the bad guy- so I understand the casting, but Boring. Key parts missing. 100 million and they made a pile of nonsense. So if you value your life skip this one.


Soulless Actors
These actors are so poor it's impossible to watch. Colin was the only actor I would consider professional here. It was like they casting good looks and threw in Depp's daughter for no reason at all. She's a terrible actress and doesn't do Daddy justice at all.

This was a bad attempt at Lord of the Flies in Space.

Skip it if you have any personal value.

The Stand In

Netflix- Please give back Drew Barrymore Santa Clarita so she never has the time for projects this ridiculous and BORING. WHO WOULD BELIEVE THESE TWO ARE THE SAME PERSON? Everyone around them must be high not to notice the Gonzo sized nose and completely different look. The stand in is just a horrible human being completely self serving and I had to change it. Nothing about this basura was comedy, never told a moral lesson, nothing entertaining nor useful. It's just another project for Drew Barrymore to watch herself.

Dark Web: Cicada 3301

Enjoyed it.
I will say as a long time, curious follower of Cicada 3301 puzzle / internet mystery I was curious to see what this would be about. I went in thinking it would be cheesy and was critical right away, but I stuck with the film and I'm glad I did, I enjoyed it. It was close with half truths, the cast I loved, I thought Gwen was beautiful and everyone was entertaining. I would watch it again.


Overly Obnoxious
Listen- it was overly annoying how stupid all of these people were. By the time this lady called police people were dead. They lost their lives because she was an idiot with zero logic. So if you have logic and common sense this movie is NOT for you. I promise it will make your eye twitch if you have intelligence. If you are ever followed take that Larry straight to a fire station or best a Police Station. Call the damn cops and go. Annoying that this lady waited too long to call the police.


Waste of a concept.
I was very excited to watch this film it was produced by Michael Bay so I was expecting it to be well done. I was very wrong. What a perfect opportunity to make a truly creative film about a real pandemic and they blew it on a stupid love story that nobody gives a flying fig about. Awful. This should have been a blockbuster thriller and they blew it on a love story that wasn't even good. They had a perfect story for an adventure and they ruined it. I'm so disappointed. It's just a sad romance. Not a thriller not even dramatic. It was a thrown together disaster.

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