• This is one of those movies that people call a 'curiosity' when they want to be kind. I've seen nearly all of Fritz Lang's films and this is easily the worst. Despite a great cast -- Stewart Granger, George Sanders, Joan Greenwood -- this adventure film is D.O.A. Nearly nothing happens and then it's over! Not much in the way of swashbuckling or intrigue ... or well, anything, except whether Granger will take in his lost nephew. And frankly, the little boy doesn't seem worth the trouble! The film momentarily comes to life whenever George Sanders is onscreen, but that's only about 10 or 15 minutes. The flat, set-bound Technicolor production is par for the period, but since nothing much is going on, it's a real liability here. Good for Lang for trying something different from his film noirs -- but too bad this didn't work out. I was really ready to like it, since I'm always up for a good yarn, but was sadly disappointed.