• In the end, did "Space Chief" do anything to help "Japan" (or at least "Mini-Tech-Com-Corp")? I guess he helped in that he blew that hunk of metal off of the space ship that gave them the Rogies and Panties they needed to blow the Neptune Men up. But, then again, his good deed paled in comparison to the fact that, if he kept his butt at Lego-Land, they could have deployed their Rogies and Panties that much sooner and maybe the Neptune Men wouldn't have blown "Japan" back to the stone age.

    One question I keep asking is: If it was the electro-barrier that saved "Japan" from the cold, what happened to the places without an electro-barrier? Maybe that's what "The Day After Tomorrow" is really about...

    I find myself torn: I feel like this movie needs to get more votes so it can be in its proper place: the bottom of the bottom 100, but I do not want to lead people to this movie either. A puzzlement indeed.