
  • This film ranks (no pun intended) with the worst excesses of the Italian made spectaculars. A blonde leading lady who cannot act to save her life, handsome hunks, glorious costumes and scenery and at least 2,000 extras in every scene. The story hopskotches around with no continuity and nothing to tie scenes together, as if a reel or two had been lost. One minute they are frolicking with American Indians in a Disney style village, next minute they are at the court of Good Queen Bess. History takes a time warp.

    To be fair, it still has a long way to go before it ranks with "The Norseman" but it tries. Most amusing is the way the love interest, Arabella, constantly turns her face away from the hero and toward the camera during the romantic scenes, as if the handsome hero had bad breath. What a waste of two good Australian actors, Keith Michell and Rod Taylor.