• I watched this over the Easter hols and found myself surprisingly engaged in a film which had no major plot beyond two groups of siblings befriending each and just enjoying their summer. It was a nice insight into how people, in particular children, were in the early 20th century and, at times, I was almost envious of them to be living in a time without the pressure of exams, employment, the threat of nuclear war, terrorism, etc. It does leave you wondering if the price we paid for the joys of technology and advancement in general was a bit too steep.

    Still, I found it hard to believe a mother would just let her four children sleep on some island for nights on end; at one point the youngest of the girls, aged no more than nine, was left alone and the mother, when finally checking up on the children, didn't seem that bothered. I also thought the eldest of the Swallow boys and the two Amazon girls were a tad too old to be playing pretend games, particularly when at times they honestly seemed to believe there were pirates lurking around a river in the middle of England. And after about forty minutes, I was wanting more action than some make-believe game the children were playing of invading pirates.

    On the whole, it is a decent fare and an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours if there is nothing else on TV. I think it would appeal to older people in their sixties, who might easily identify their own childhoods with to children and their 'adventures', compared to younger people who want a bit more action and excitement in their films.