• Friday the 13th is one of those movies that should appear at the drive-in and never go any farther. It's the kind of movie people go to see just to get their girlfriend scared and make out with her later. And now it's on video. What a coincidence. In short, it's not scary; we never see the killer until the end of the movie, and until then it's weapons in the corner of the screen, or a first-person view. The plot of the movie is better constructed than what I expected from a slasher, and that's a good thing, considering that it's sequels are just Jason running around slaughtering people for no reason, excpet that they're between the ages of 17 and 25. The movie begins with two camp councillors being killed by an unknown stalker at Camp Chrystal Lake in 1957. Fast forward to 1980, where a group of teens plan on re-opening the camp. Of course, someone is there watching them, but we don't know who. A bunch of people get killed, and the killer is finally revealed in the end, and the worst chase ever ensues. (I'm afraid I'm not going to spoil the rest for you, because it's a surprise, but a surprise you shouldn't bother finding out for yourself.) Aside from a good plot, Friday the 13th has nothing, not even Jason (That's right, big-bad Jason doesn't make his debut until Part Two). It's a movie that a lot of people see and that a lot of people liked, but maybe some day, we'll all come to our senses.