• TERROR IN THE AISLES is a very entertaining movie. You can't help but watch the series of clips thrown at ya from beginning to end. Unfortunately, the whole thing is a head scratcher. TERROR IN THE AISLES almost looks like producers got hold of a series of clips from several movies and they basically decides to make a movie out of them. The way it's edited together is often fun AND confusing. They always have clips of 3 to 4 movies edited together, which sometimes makes the combination fun to see how things from 4 different films actually meld together but it also becomes frustrating after a while.

    What's odd also is that they never identify the movies. Some of them I have no idea from what movie they were from. And I'm sure non-genre fans would also be lost to make sense of anything. For instance, at the very end, we finally see very briefs scenes from SUSPIRIA. Why?!?! Why didn't they show more scenes earlier? When those scenes are shown, it's an almost useless addition to the bunch.

    TITA is very short. 84 minutes. When it ended abruptly, I thought, This can't be the end??? It was. It's hard to believe this was ever released on the big screen. People must have felt cheated for paying full price for such a short and inexpensive flick.

    But in the end, even if it doesn't make much sense, it's still fun to watch and because I doubt TERROR IN THE AISLES will ever be released on DVD due to all of the legalities over the rights of every film clips they use, if you want to see it, better buy the video now.