• "Scarecrows" is great. The action starts immediately and doesn't let up; the atmosphere is dark and creepy; the special effects are good. But best of all is the fact that the plot retains a sense of mystery. The only people on the farm are the bandits trying to retrieve their money. There aren't any crotchety old crones who relate the supernatural history of the farm via soft-focus flashback, the way so many movies do. No. Instead we are given a few clues as the bandits explore the farmhouse, and that's it. We see a photo of the farmers. We wonder where are they now; what happened to them. But that's all. There's too much creepiness going on to worry about the past. There's too much creepiness going on to remain on the farm. Forget the money. And that's part of the fun too--shouting at the television screen, trying to convince the characters to get the hell out of there.

    This movie is fun, bizarre, and the supernaturally inexplicable unfoldings will freak you out.