• Warning: Spoilers
    ***** CONTAINS SPOILERS ******

    SPECIES is an extremely dumb and derivative SF horror film . Not only that it`s extremely predictable The plot is this : human egg is mixed with alien DNA which leads to the creation of an alien girl ,alien girl escapes and a bunch of spook types have to hunt her down because the future of humanity is at stake . Think of a medley megamix of A FOR ANDROMEDA , FRANKENSTEIN , THE QUATERMASS EXPERIMENT , LIFEFORCE , THE X FILES and a climax that rips off ALIEN and you`ve got the idea. Or should that be several other folks ideas ?

    Most of the actors try to do their best with their sketchily written characters , well apart from Michael Madsen who may very well be doing his best , but the more films I see him in the more obvious it becomes that Madsen lacks any range , and he plays a government hitman in SPECIES , oh gee hope I didn`t spoil anything for you there. Without doubt the best performance is by Michelle Williams who plays the young Sil and who manages to communicate the fear and suffering the hunted alien must be going through , such a pity she turns into a bimbo non actress .

    The one really bad thing about this film - with the exception of the dialogue - is the CGI , it really is bad in some places like the tendrils coming out of the young Sil`s face , and it never ever rises above being mediocre at best .

    Still despite its many flaws SPECIES is an absolute masterwork compared to the sequel