• Warning: Spoilers
    101 Dalmatians, the ultimate Disney animated classic about none other than PUPPIES! It was clever, sharp, witty and just a wonderful movie and created one of Disney's most memorable and classic villains Cruella DeVil. So when I had heard about the live action version I wasn't too interested, this movie came out when I was 11 years old for goodness's sake, but I just didn't want to see what was already a perfect movie being made into a live action one, but my grandparents had bought it and we watched it together. I remember seeing it and really didn't like it, but as I grew up, it was on TV one day so I figured since I'm a little more grown up to give this another chance and still I'm not too thrilled with this new take on the "tail", lol, get it? Eh, my lame jokes, gotta love them.

    Roger Dearly is an American computer game designer, who shares his home in London with his pet dalmatian, Pongo. One day Roger takes Pongo for a walk, and the dog sets his eyes on a beautiful female Dalmatian named Perdy. After a frantic chase through the streets of London, Roger and Pongo discover Perdy likes Pongo; and Perdy's owner, fashion designer Anita Campbell-Green, is taken with Roger when they meet in St. James Park. Romance blossoms between both human and canine couples and Roger and Anita walk down the aisle. Anita works for Cruella DeVil, a sexy fashion maven with a great love for cigarettes and fur. Anita becomes inspired by her dogs and designs a fur coat made with spotted fur, causing Cruella to leap on the idea of making garments out of actual Dalmatians. When Cruella learns that Perdy has given birth to fifteen Dalmatian puppies she offers the couple a decent price for the newborn puppies, but the couple refuses. Flying into a maniacal rage, she fires Anita and vows to get even. She has her henchmen, Jasper and Horace, steal the puppies and deliver them to her ancient estate, but the puppies escape and now must find their way home.

    So I absolutely adore Glenn Close, she's one of my favorite actresses of all time and always delivers very on the key performances, now she was a great choice for Cruella, but I think it was just the whole idea of the movie that dragged her down, the whole cast as a matter of a fact is too good for this movie. It's just not as fun as the original animated classic, I think the reason the animated movie is so much better is because it was just more special and personal as it was hand drawn and a classic for so many kids who grew up with it. Maybe I am being stubborn where I'm just more for the original, but honestly this movie is just kind of pointless and not really for the kids nore the adults. I'd say it's not like it's the most horrible movie in the world, but it's just not worth it to go out of your way to watch it.
