• When ever i see a film come up on the movie channels that has been made by HBO i usually tend to make a point of watching it because they have a good track record and their film are usually above average. i'm afraid Sugertime is not one of those. Although Sugertime is not a bad film it does lack any real structure of entertainment value. The main problem for me is that the film is structured around a notorious gangster in Sam Giancana but they got an actor in who could not live up to the part.While John Turturro is a good actor , he is no gangster and portray himself well enough as one. Also another problem with the film is that the story is just not interesting enough. All that really happens is that that Giancana has a love affair with a famous singer and.......well thats about it! It's hardly the story of Frank Sinatra. 5 out of 10.