• If you value your freedom!

    I first got seriously interested in The Branch Davidian debacle after reading an article in UK journal "The Fortean Times." Wanting to learn more, I rented this documentary and after watching it, I was stunned at what I saw. This film peaked my interest in the subject and I have read several books on the subject since then. This film is a must see for people who only know the facts as reported in the so called "mainstream" media. The baldfaced lies, double talk, and contradictory statements made by officials and politicians shown in this film will make you think twice about calling people who question the governments actions in this fiasco "nuts" "loonies" and "kooks."

    Whats scary is that I know some people who consider themselves open minded "intellectuals" and freedom loving "liberals" who are still convinced that the government did the right thing at Waco and refuse to watch this film or read any of the books on the subject. They continue to insist its not worth their time because its all propaganda from gun loving, Clinton hating, religious fanatic,right wing anarchist nuts. One publication from an organization comprised of many so called "great minds" that claims to be dedicated to promoting "reason","common sense" and "rationalism" condemned the film claiming it would poison peoples minds and strongly suggested this film should be suppressed. They even hinted the Davidians had it coming. I won't mention its name since I'm a coward. If you are one of those reading this (of course you probably would not be reading this anyway), I can only say its a shame you won't open your mind.