• Think of this one as Back to the Future...except not very good.

    The use of time travel and possible timelines gone askew does nothing to add to the film. Our lead guy is a David Koresh look-alike, but a lot less evil. I think he was trying to do justice to physics teachers who do aviation on the side, but have no time for grocery shopping. There's a romance angle here, but it's not really important. Characters meet themselves in other times and it gets really confusing like where did he get that gun after he jumped from the plane into the lake?? You have incompetent security guards and a CEO with a really funny accent (even funnier acting). There's a lot of running, biking, flying, and a really cool car stunt that took 4 takes. Due to limited budget, the future, past, and present look pretty bad which makes it more funny. Hey, if Lisa Kudrow is in this (even for a few milliseconds), it's worth checking out for kicks.

    "Food courts of the future!"