
  • Croupier is one of those films that you probably never wanted to see, but which are still worth the money should you get in by accident.

    Take an incredibly cool guy (you know, the type where you expect ice crystals to form on the forehead) and give him a job as a croupier, to allow him to act out that severe superiority complex he got.

    Then add some women who hang around for a chance to be mistreaded by said jerk, as well as some other people to act as props. Give them incredibly braindead dialogues, which sound like the characters have been fed on bad philosophical textbooks for too long.

    After that, all you have to do is to write a storyline that won't get boring and add a good amount of dark humor to the setting.

    "Croupier" managed to do all that. If you like satire, you will most likely like this movie. Nevertheless, you will always wonder if the makers genuinely tried to force some deeper meaning into their dialogues and narration. If that was the intention, it failed gloriosly, but in a satirical way. The pseudo-philosophical statements from the off are so shallow that it hurts to even consider them as serious. On the other hand the whole thing may be created as a satire in the first place, so there would be some meaning on a different level...

    Nevertheless, I'm quite certain that there will be people who are going to beat some sense into those senseless lines - even at the cost of mental sanity. It'll be great fun to see what those people will come up with.