• I saw this movie with my friends. We rented it for Halloween. This movie was crap. The saddest thing is that the best acting job is done by Frank Stallone. The acting is obviously acting. The plot is so bad that a drunk chimpanzee could write a better screenplay. After seeing this movie I felt the overwhelming pleasure of knowing that if the actors and actresses could get jobs then maybe so can I. The best part of this movie is the credits, and if you watch it I should recommend that you keep a surgeon handy as you might want a full frontal lobotomy upon reaching the end. I am still trying to figure out why I actually sat all the way through to the credits. If you have one brain cell you will lose it upon watching this. My recommendation is that if forced with watching this movie or having your sight and hearing taken from you go with the latter, because at the end you will wish you had anyways.