• It was difficult to decide a mark for this one. In the end I chose 1/10, because as a piece of film art it's atrocious, the lowest of the low, probably the most horrendously bad film I've ever seen. But parodoxically that makes it so damn funny that it could also be quite reasonably given a 10/10 rating for pure entertainment value. It really does have to be seen to be believed.

    The acting? Wooden. Really wooden. Chuck Norris' expression doesn't change once during the entire film. The special effects? Awful. A lot of the time it looks like the actors are performing in front of a blue wall with another films effects projected behind them. The story? Fantastically funny. The most obvious and cliched script ever committed to screen and all the better for it. The slow motion action sequences? Perfect - in a really bad way.

    Normally I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on a film bad enough to get a 1/10, but this really is essential viewing - it's a masterclass in how not to make a film, but also brilliant entertainment at the same time. If I could've given it nought I would have. And for that alone, you should watch it.