
  • This has got to be one of the most unreal science-fiction movies i have ever seen. The science of the film had it's ups and downs, but mostly downs. the decontamination processes by which Dr. Ladis exited the infected area was totally unprobable and unrealistic. people would not be allowed to travel freely throughout the hospital if it was quarantined. the fact that the only way to cure the ebola was to retrieve samples from someone who had been in contact with one specific strain of ebola was also scientifically unsound. if the ebola virus somehow managed to become airborne, then it would have undoubtedly escaped through the ventilation system of the hospital, and the outside areas would have been contaminated very quickly through the wind blowing the virus around. also, if the virus was airborne, at the end, when everyone had been vaccinated and came out of the hospital, what about the airborne virus? wouldn't it just come out with all of the people? the insubordination displayed by general ryker would never have happened, so this was another slip by the writer in an attempt to develop a weak story line. there was no character development, a weak story line, and enough scientific fallacies for ANYONE, science smart or not, to pick up on. i give this a 2/10.