
  • It's not going to win any academy awards, and in many ways it's just another formulaic summer teen exploitation movie, but there is something that sets Grind apart by just a wee bit. Perhaps its the straightforward approach, the fact that the movie has much more heart and soul than most of it's ilk (thanks to very good work by the ensemble lead, particularly Vince Vieluf in a wonderful, mostly improvised performance), or just that the filmmakers knew enough to bring Morgan Stone and Tony Hawk's 900 Films onboard for the skating sequences.

    By far and away the best bits of the flick are the skating scenes, generally performed by professional boarders, including Brian Patch, Brian Sumner, Matt Ball and Chad Shettler subbing for the four main characters, with appearances by Bam Margera, Chad

    Fernandez and a raft of others. You have probably never seen skating sequences as good as this in a motion picture - it's great!

    "Go for Your Dream," is the film's theme, and it delivers that message with some charm, some drama, and quite a few good laughs. Check it out, dude.