
  • This is your standard genetic experiment gone wrong plot - a "dinocroc" is created by Evil Co. (or something like that) and starts munching the locals. The story centers on an animal control officer and her dad (the local sheriff) and her boyfriend. The female lead is quite good, but the male lead plays his part as if he's mildly retarded. It's gets funnier every time he says a line. One starts to wonder about the extremely low standards the girl must have in men. Then there's an Australian croc hunter, loud and obnoxious, but with a tender side, blah blah blah.

    The film moves along okay until the ending, which is not only utterly unbelievable, but anti-climactic as well.

    Overall, a somewhat below average creature feature, but the CGI was perhaps a bit better than usual. I wouldn't exactly recommend it.