• Just before THE GRID was broadcast I came to this page and found out that THE GRID was a BBC / American co-production and had first been screened on US television . This utterly surprised me since all the trailers seemed to make a big thing about the British cast ( Most notably Bernard Hill who not only appeared in every trailer for this but every single trailer for the Olympic games too ) but upon watching the first episode it becomes very obvious the amount of American involvement in this drama . This might not have been a bad thing since American television has brought us some great dramas in the last few years ( Am I the only Brit who loved OZ ? ) but THE GRID isn't one of them

    Despite having only one director and two credited writers THE GRID feels it was produced by a commitee numbering several hundred people and this shows through on screen

    Will it appeal to Tom Clancy junkies ? - Check

    Are there bedhopping scenes to appeal to SEX AND THE CITY fans ? - Check

    Are there both good and bad Muslim characters to show that not all Muslims are terrorists . We don't want allegations of racism with this show - Check

    This is a drama /thriller that is trying to appeal to the entire TV audience on both sides of the Atlantic and this is where the mini series fails . Maren Jackson might be a hot American babe while Emily Tuthill will appeal to those viewers who like frosty English ice maidens but are their sex lives that important to the plot ? ( A plot which I thought was overstretched ) Mind you when you've got dialogue like

    " Come to spoil the tea party ? "

    " I've no intention of spoiling your tea party . I drink my tea in Long Island - Ice cold "

    I guess you might expect a bit of sex since it sounds like it came out of a blue movie

    So THE GRID fails down to the fact there seems to be too many cooks pouring some iced tea