
  • A fantastic reinterpretation of Larson's original premise.

    I loved the old Galactica. It was cheesy, simplistic fun. However, I always find Larson's old pilots hold more promise than their series.

    Like Buck Rogers, the original Galactica pilot is far darker than the rest of the series run. For a show based on the genocide of 12 planets, the original Battlestar Galactica never really got to grips with the futility, fear and condition of a race on the edge of extinction.

    The new show makes up for that in abundance. The tone is dark, the pace is slow yet methodical. In the old show the attack on the colonies was dealt with in the first half hour. Here we have a far slower build up.

    The characters, while sombre are very real. Even Starbuck (and kudos for changing sex here, how many male Solo rips offs will we have to endure in SciFi?) works well. She has a hint of Benedict in expression and dialogue with far more consistency ever offered to Benedicts character.

    Apollo takes some getting used to, but surprisingly, the best characters this time around aren't the pilots, but the Administration. Adama is fantastic. Believable and oozing authority. Tigh is a wonderful mess and the President surprisingly well written.

    Finally, the glory to the show has to be Baltar. No longer a panto baddie, he is deeper character. A character with realistic motivations, drives and issues. While a tragic character, his portrayal is humorous and sinister at the same time.

    The best scifi show since Farscape. The series is pretty fine too!