• I've noticed noticed a lot of negative commentary about this movie by people who obviously are totally lacking in rock-n-roll spirit, and their effete reviews should not stop people from going out and watching this movie for themselves.

    This movie is for everyone and anyone who: has an interest in B-movies, has an interest in garage rock/punk/rockabilly/rock-n-roll, enjoys drinking and laughing.

    Wild Zero is equal parts Rock-N-Roll High School, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and Night of the Living Dead. It boasts an amazing soundtrack (equal parts Japanese and American bands), a cast that is long on "cool" and short on Oscar potential (just like a B-movie should be), and an excellent mix of camp and schlock horror.

    Featuring the band Guitar Wolf (a real band by the way, who lack a certain level of musicianship, but more than make up for it with rock-n-roll attitude) and Ace (Masashi Endo, who does have acting talent) the movie takes us on a ride through an Ed Wood/George Romero wasteland that features a hell bent for leather biker attitude. The plot is no thinner than any other B-movie, and actually carries a rather broad minded message about acceptance and values.

    If Wild Zero has one flaw, it is the editing (and not the acting as some people have commented. I speak Japanese and live in Japan. The acting is no worse than that presented on typical Japanese television dramas, and indeed Masashi Endo and Makoto Inamiya have certain comedic and manic talents that will perhaps be expanded upon in the future. The movie also features Morishita Yoshiyuki, who looks like the Steve Buscemi of Japan.) The editing is a bit slack at best, and the movie contains about 10 minutes of "dead" footage.

    Apart from that, Wild Zero is exactly what you need for an fantastic evening with friends, beer, and perhaps pizza or take-out sushi. The Wild Zero drinking game (do a search) comes highly recommended.

    Don't expect to see Citizen Kane, and don't expect to see the Citizen Kane of B-movies, but do expect to see a B-movie that deserves an enshrined spot in the pantheon of cinema for it's unique combination of flavours horror, camp, rock-n-roll, japan, and boundless love.

    If you've watched it and didn't get it, watch it again, but this time turn the volume UP! and drink more beer!

    This movie is not suitable for fans of Kenny G, Right Wing Republicans, and people who avidly follow the advice of Martha Stewart.