
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This Black comedy and it sequel "Dr. Phibes Strikes Again" show that campy horror films can be high art as well. Even more recent horror films like se7en owe a lot to this film.

    Not only can this film be gruesome but campy and artsy at the same time. Prices over the top voice acting is made all the more eerie because of the fact he does not actually speak in the movie. He used his knowledge of acoustics to make devices to speak for him. To speak he plugs devices into his neck.....he also uses the same hole in his neck to drink. Price used this to good effect as during the speaking parts he moves his neck and throat muscles like he was actually speaking. Vulnavia played by Virginia North is equally weird as she does not speak as well and has many elaborate costume changes and "dance" numbers. Since these films were made in 1971 and the sequel in 1972 you do have to wonder if drugs had anything to do with the films....were they made for the drug taking public? In any case this is the pinnacle of the British horror film genre. So often the British did such bad things to the genre....they reclaim a lot of glory with these two films.

    Most of the humor in the film come from inspector trout of Scotland Yard. Most of the other characters are basically fodder for Prices revenge, revenge for his late wife's operation that left her dead and Price disfigured.

    No true horror film fan can truly be called that unless they see these two films. It should also be required viewing for directors and producers of todays horror films. If you have a chance catch both films if you can. If the local video store does not have them they are often shown on cable channels like Flix and AMC, netflix should have them as well. They are consider cult classic so chances are good that you will be able to find them somewhere.