• A very difficult film to locate, I located one through a (ahem) bootleg company which shall stay anonymous. This really has to be Angela's best, better than Broken Oath or Hapkido. Sammo Hung's action is what makes the usual non martial artists look better than they ever have and that includes the often wooden Carter Wong! The plot line, as if anyone ever cares with these films revolves around a Chinese Kung Fu school who owe a great deal of dollars to a local mob. The Sifu gets desperate and takes his two best students which happen to be his sons to Thailand to compete, for money, full contact. Not a good idea as one is injured and one returns to kick up daisies back in Hong Kong. Instead of the Kung Fu elders throwing a massive wake for his loss they ridicule him, steal his students and forces him to hang himself! Enter Angela Mao! She decides that the only way to save face is to go to Thailand, learn Muay Thay and return with said face! The standout scene for me is when the association try to stop her and she goes through each student proving her worth. Look out for Sammo, Wilson Tong & Whang In Sik in this scene. Also, note the soundtrack used to introduce each student. It's a little snip-it taken, illegally no doubt, from the Electric Light Orchestra's B side & album track 'In Old England Town'. Am I sad or what???