• It's hardly a surprise that the critics (and indeed a number of cinephiles on here) seem to reserve a special kind of scorn for "Slackers. It's appallingly 'loose' or endearingly ramshackle, depending on your view; and does not in any way let itself down concerning the mandatory 'vulgarity quotient' that appears inbuilt into pretty much every teen comedy these days. The performances, as weirdly appropriate as they seem to be for this kind of material, won't shake the foundations of 'the method' either; so from this quick overview, there appears to be not much to recommend it, and one begins to understand the vituperative comments hurled its way. Indeed, initially I was casting my eye upon it in much the same manner, until...

    ... something new became apparent to me; a 'freshness' not normally present in Hollywood product that was able to gradually sneak up on me precisely because it was so unexpected. It's produced unerringly from the perspective of its characters, is true to them, unflinching from their idiosyncrasy to the extent that the finished result feels the least 'manufactured' it's possible to get in todays climate. It's made by people who seem to know what it is to BE 'slackers'; (and that's a compliment!) so small wonder that bumptious critics were virtually falling over themselves to cock an easy snark at such a decadent and wasteful way of life. Of course, THEY work hard, THEY are cultured, worldly and sophisticated. The fact is though, a distinct 'subculture' exists who possess NONE of those attributes; and expecting an informed judgement to come from those who are completely alien to such a lifestyle is sheer foolishness. It's nice to see a piece of work come from those who know of which they show. So often these days we get films about collegiate people made by those whose indolent days are obviously well behind them. (if they ever existed at all) This is that rare film that gets it right; capturing authenticity, and then selling it so perfectly back to us that no wonder some people are turned off by what they see. If you've been there, though, then you'll be one of the few who 'get' it... This is a script that understands how sometimes certain people say random 'odd' things that nevertheless sound hilarious to the attuned ear.

    If you're a slacker, then you'll like it; even with reason trying to tell you that perhaps you shouldn't. For the rest - stay away; it was never meant for you anyway. F.U.B.U - For Us, By Us... !