
  • Two nights ago while flipping through channels I came across The Late Late show by chance, I normally am asleep by then. Lo and Behold I discovered the Best Talk show on TV. I have always watched Jay Leno, who is funny, and sometimes Letterman depending on his guest, I don't like Dave's arrogance though. But I realize I can watch The Late Late Show simply for Craig.

    He is brilliant and hilarious and no matter who comes on the show, he will leave you rolling on the floor laughing. Why can't we have Craig come on earlier? He is a natural born comedian. Craig is such a pleasure to watch, he does not have to jump around, walk funny or act like fool to make us laugh. He is the BEST LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW HOST. Thank you guy for making me laugh so hard, it's been so long since I have done that.

    Your forever fan Christine (in Canada)