• Warning: Spoilers
    Children of the corn III: urban harvest is one of the best cotc movie if not the best. It is different from the other cotc movies because it is set in the city of Chicago instead of the country town of Gatlin which is different but being different is not bad but it might not please the fans of the series. The story is about two brothers who's father gets killed so they are taken in by a couple from Chicago, then the terror starts.I didn't mind the movie it but the last ten minutes were just horrible the creature was just disturbing and I didn't know that He Who Walks Behind The Rows liked to play with Barbie dolls. You don't have to watch the first two movies to understand this but you might not get who He Who Walks Behind The Rows is. Overall this movie is OK and if you want a few laughs at the mistakes in the movie then watch it you might end up liking it.