• I was pretty excited about this documentary. I break out Queens of Noise on a regular basis, and I would consider myself a Runaways fan. Unfortunately there's about 10 minutes of interesting footage to be seen in this documentary: a live version of rock and roll (the Lou Reed cover), and a couple early interviews including a HOTTT Joan Jett. The rest is extremely boring interviews with the rest of the runaways. While the story of the band is fascinating, some actual footage of the band playing live, or practicing, or more than a brief snippet of what had to have been a much longer interview, would have helped the story in a major way. There's totally an amazing story about an amazing band here to be told, but due to what I'm assuming was strict copyright control by Joan there is barely any Runaways music in this film. I had to play a record for my friends that were unfamiliar with the band after we watched it just so they had any idea what was going on! AND! Some of the most annoying camera work I've ever seen!! Someone must have told the camerapeople that jiggling the cameras makes interviews more realistic and interesting. If the makers of Edgeplay had any good early Runaways footage at their disposal, and if they hadn't let a chimpanzee film the interviews, this film could have been awesome.