
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Absolutely one of the worst slasher movies I have ever seen. As Jim Harper writes in his book on slashers, Legacy of Blood, "Watch it if you have to, but you'll probably wish you hadn't."

    This recently came out on DVD from Media Blasters. The picture quality is about as good as one might hope for a cheap 1984 slasher, although the sound was very much out of sync as if the whole movie had been badly dubbed. No one else seems to have mentioned this, so I wonder if my friend's DVD player could have done that somehow?

    The title of the movie doesn't seem to relate to the film itself. There's no "girls' night out" type thing going on, and a lot of the movie focuses on male characters.

    Someone is found hanging in a hospital. For some reason, he's taken to be buried at night. Someone kills the drivers. The mystery is, was he not really dead or did someone else come along?

    A bunch of college students are having a scavenger hunt with clues given by the campus radio DJ. The DJ plays oldies, and in fact plays "My Baby Does the Hanky Panky" and "Summer in the City" twice. Lazy guy! The killer steals the goofy-looking bear mascot uniform of the college, adding large serrated knives into the claws. This could have been good, but the killings are really poorly done. The killer makes whispering calls to the DJ.

    There are a lot of phone calls in the movie. There's a fair amount of talking, too, that doesn't serve the plot or character development much. Oftentimes, dialog is devoted to recapping events. We even get tape recordings of conversations we heard quite clearly the first time. There are a lot of one-shots of characters, particularly of the DJ and the campus security guard. It made their scenes easy to shoot, I guess.

    About the only creepy image in the movie is of a dead woman who is posed in a seated position on a floor against a wall. She's tied up with something.

    No nudity in the movie that I recall. There is a bath scene, but it is a bubble bath. When the bather gets out, I don't think the camera shows even her bare shoulders! It stays safely on her head.

    In the end, the killer is someone I don't remember seeing earlier in the movie. When one shot towards the end appeared on screen, I said out loud, "oh, that better not be the final shot of the movie." Sadly, it was. Very poor ending to the movie.