• If you watch THE LAST VOYAGE in 2005 you'll be mistaken in thinking it's a disaster movie with very poor production values . Truth be told the disaster movie genre as we know it started and ended sometime in the 1970s and it's a genre unique to that era so I doubt if in 1960 the producers were expecting it to stand in comparison to later films like THE TOWERING INFERNO and EARTHQUAKE

    This is more of an action adventure melodrama and should be treated as such so don't complain about this movie not having an all star cast or the rather cheap production values like the very obvious revealing mistake where the boiler explodes throwing some tailors dummies up into the air . You shouldn't complain about that scene anyway since it's the best bit of the movie and I always have a sadistic chuckle when I see it . Despite being rather clichéd the basic plot of a man trying to rescue his wife on a sinking ship is very compelling and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie which is miles better than the one with a woman called Rose saving a girlie man called Jack from a sinking ship