
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Alex de la Iglesía directed the movie La Comunidad in 2000. The film was set in Spain. The principal actors and actresses are Carmen Maura (Julia) and Eduardo Antuña (Charly). The movie is about the things people will do to obtain their dreams. Julia, a woman of 40 years, works temporarily for a real estate agency. She is in love with one of the apartments that she is trying to sell In the apartment, there was a leak and she called the firefighters. This caused the firefighters to find a dead old man in the apartment above her. In the wallet of the dead man, there was a map to find 300,000,000 pesetas under the floor. Ricardo the husband of Julia, didn't know about the money and was really mad at her. It was because she has a job and he doesn't, so he left her. The neighbors of the dead man knew about the money and watched over his apartment. They all wanted a part of the money and thought that they deserved it. Emilio is the leader of the group and was with the dead man when he won the money. The dead man was very afraid of the neighbors and never left his apartment. Now the neighbors suspect that Julia has the money and try to kill her. In the process they end up killing each other.

    The movie is a comedy with some parts of terror and crime. It has a lot of dark humor and a lot of obscure parts. I didn't like the scenes with the dead bodies Especially the one when Dominguez died in the elevator. The characters are energetic and full of emotions. One of my favorite was Charly because he thought he was Darth Vader. He is funny and a little abstract.

    One major theme in the movie is greed. A lot of the characters are very greedy. They want all of the money for themselves and will kill others for it. I think it is a good representation of greedy people. It is a little exaggerated but in real life people have killed others for money.

    In conclusion, La Comunidad is a good comedy with animated and vivid characters. The plot is new and exciting. I would recommend this movie to all.