• OK so this wasn't a very professional movie-there really wasn't a point to it and there were so many things happening that at the end you sorta wonder what the movie was about-mostly i took it as if it had been a reality type show-the conversations they had were stuff you would hear on your home movies. cute but not movie material-but then again i think this was the first movie the Olsen twins produced and they were only 15 so ill cut them a break.

    but...i did like it. and ill tell you why. it was cool seeing them do fun stuff that normal people don't get to do-limo, private jet, Bahamas, shopping sprees,etc. and they're so adorable! the Olsen twins are so cute! and i love the close ups of their faces. they're eye candy! also i respected the character their dad played in the movie-i wish he was my dad! he didn't get mad easily-he was very smart. and last but not least there was a ravishing beauty in this movie. she played Brianna Wallace (the snobby rich girl)her real name is Megan fox. she is so beautiful. it was nice just to be able to see her face on TV. when you see her you wonder if its even legal to look that good-I'm sure shes made a lot of women jealous because of her looks. her role in the movie wasn't that big but then again this was her debut in acting. anyway, shes so gorgeous it makes the movie worthwhile. i don't care if she played the snobby rich girl-i know its just a movie. and besides someone that beautiful probably could be entitled to be conceited but i like them more when they're nice.

    i know the ending was weird and dumb etc. etc. but ill tell you something-this movie has a lot of eye candy. if anything you'll be entertained with the Catie's in this movie and the nice stuff they get to have and be part of. plus I'm always a fan of Mary-Kate and Ashley's style. if you're a girlie-girl you'll like this movie. who cares if its kinda dumb and doesn't make sense-its Mary-Kate and Ashley!