
  • Thelma Ritter as down-on-her-luck Ellen McNulty shines in the role of a mother-in-law mistaken for a maid. Ellen McNulty is a woman everyone would want to have on her side, but woe betide anyone who tries to fool her. Thelma gets the best lines, but all parts are well-written and the film's pacing is superb.

    The always reliable, always theatrical, Miriam Hopkins, hams it up as a superficial socialite disappointed in her daughter's selection of the down-to-earth Val McNulty, an up-and- coming corporate man. When a newlywed couple and two mothers occupy the same apartment, watch out!

    Part of the pleasure of watching a black and white film from the early fifties is the setting. The outfits, cars, decor (check out the apartment's wallpaper: just amazing in its boldness!) add to the film's substance.

    The romantic resolutions at the end of the film are satisfying, and make sense, not always a feature of light romantic comedies.