• An under-rated but excellent film is 1942's "Joan of Paris."

    While it is still another World War 11 story of allied soldiers, trying to get back to their homeland from an occupied France, it is certainly worth seeing.

    The acting by Michele Morgan, Paul Henried and Thomas Mitchell is first rate.

    Cornered by the Gestapo, Morgan acts like the true Joan of Arc.

    May Robson, who was so good in "Lady for A Day," shines this time in a supporting role, as an elderly teacher who is also a member of the French resistance. Look for a young Alan Ladd is a brief but pivotal role as one of the group of soldiers.

    Just as we saw in Casablanca, the year after this film, there is a memorable scene; this time children are singing the Marseilles at a time of adversity.

    Obviously, the film is timely as it was made during the war when the free French fought alongside the British to combat the Nazi menace.