• I think this film is better than Frankie howerds first outing as Lurkio in "Up pompeii". as classic as that film was this one beats it in my opinion. It is rather slow in parts but with excellent character performances by Rita Webb and Hugh paddick and of course Frankie camping it up as Lurkalot ("because I do!") the film is saved as a British classic. lots of setbound filming gives it a special magical feel. This film was cut down from an amazing 3 hour original and Frankie himself wasn't happy with the end result but it has become a classic. Lurkalot, the medieval surf, tries to save his master in a series of funny events only to find out he is in fact the twin brother of King john himself of England (played by..you guessed it! Frankie!) Eartha Kitt makes a purrrfect appearance and the best scene is stolen by Hugh paddick as the campest robin Hood to grace our screens ever, but when Rita webb turns up as maid Marion ("your reputation has spread far and wide...and thats not the only thing by the look of it!") the laughs really begin (as they say) see it once at least its a corny classic!