• I saw this movie many moons ago, but have not been aware of this medium for commenting on it.

    I adore this movie, it was my life. Eric's discovery of his sexuality one summer while working at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio is almost exactly how I discovered mine. I thought as I watched it that someone had stolen my journal, wrote a script about it, and then silently returned it without my knowing. Eric's first love. His making friends at a bar he was not old enough to be in. His developing style, in the way many of us did in the 80's, bad hair and worse clothes, but great music.

    I could relate to this movie on so many levels. I think that any gay man that found himself in the 80's should watch this film and see where they fit into it. If this movie doesn't remind you of yourself, it is sure to remind you of someone you know.

    Loved it!