• This was probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. It lacked any plot line, the jokes just weren't funny, and the animals looked like something from a horror film. I saw 'The Wild' with two young children (age six) and two of my good friends. The children weren't even fooled by it. One of them remarked, "So, was that supposed to be funny?" I understand that in the film business the "early bird gets the egg" and in this case the "early bird" was 'Madagascar.' But, it wasn't 'Madagascar' that it copied. It was really just a bad remake of 'The Lion King.' Every aspect of the movie was stolen from another, and I'm not kidding. Also, the dialogue was just ridiculous. Here's a sample: "Get away from us, turkey jerky!" As you can see, this movie was just plain ridiculous. The character's were absurd, and unbelievable, the plot was nonexistent, and it was really a rip off. Don't waste your money to see this dreadful film. You're just going to walk out and be disappointed.