• Warning: Spoilers
    This is the best show ever. It should be on all TV stations around the world. But the reason why people hate this show is because they don't really pay attention to what the characters are saying and take a second to think what the line really means. Thats right I said it, it had to be said. Only smart people can get this show and dumb people don't get it. The show has some of the best animation ever some of the best humor ever and lots, lots more. The interviews are all so funny and so well put together that I'm surprised that they took it off the air. That had to have been the biggest mistake cartoon network ever made. Who in the right mind would take a show thats so funny, great, and well put together like "Space ghost coast to coast". That's right this is my all time favorite show ever in the entire universe. Wow this is such a great show. You have to really listen to what there saying to get the humor though. I like how this show put up Crutons in the first season and how they mock there guests. See thats what a real show needs is stupid lines that don't make any sense and characters who have nothing to do with a talk show. Anyway I recommend this show to everyone this is the best show ever made. So please if you see the "Space ghost coast to coast" DVD's for sail anywhere then buy them immediately!!!! Trust me you won't regret it even if it's for sail for a hundred dollars get it because they might not be out forever you know and money does grow on tree's and you wanna know what else. My stomach's full but I'm hungry. I feel kind of tingly. Anywho get this DVD as soon as possible citizens you won't regret it one bit.