• Warning: Spoilers
    As a fan of the original Doom game for PC and a hater of most (if not all) video game to movie conversions, I was not expecting much.

    But, nothing in the world could prepare me for the cinematic catastrophe I was about to witness. When a game is turned into a film, one can only expect the story to be changed a little, but surely not to such a degree that the title is the only thing linking the two. Let me give you a little run down on the storyline differences.

    Game:- A secret research base on the moon accidentally creates a rift between the moon's surface and the shores of hell, people become possessed, satanic rituals take place, demons run riot and soon the base begins to merge with hell itself, the player (you) is the last surviving member of a team of marines sent to investigate (pretty basic stuff) Movie:- A research facility on Mars try to make a serum to make people into super humans. But it does not work on everyone, some people when infected mutate into large monsters that have detachable tongues which pass the infection onto others. Confused yet? There's more. Using what seems to be floating liquid mercury, The Rock and his team of equally talentless actors travel to mars to investigate a distress call. While there they discover what has happened and are all killed except for The Rock and some white guy who's name I can't remember, both of which become super humans and have to battle it out.

    Now that I'm done bitching about the differences between the film and the game, permit me to explain to you the other reasons why this seizure of a film is not worth your time.

    The dialogue is, how should i put it?, very structured, by this I mean that when the characters interact with one another, you are very aware that it has been scripted and there is no ad-libbing.

    The cinematography is clumsy. The camera angle never quite knows what it wants to do, and the lighting (where there is any) is just irritating.

    The filters are not subtle, they use lots of red (probably because it's set on Mars) and a fair bit of everyone's favourite green (because it's "post-Matrix") But the most laughable part has to be the five minute long first person sequence, which looks exactly like "Doom 3" on Xbox, the CGI in this scene is laughable (although possibly deliberate) and it ingeniously shows the big hulking monsters attacking the main character with a chainsaw which he later uses against what can only be described as a "boss" All in all, this film is terrible. Less of a film, more of a Labotomy on celluloid. Spend your £3.75 renting price on something more worthwhile, like paying Lenox Lewis to punch you in the face, it would be more fun I assure you!