• Warning: Spoilers
    I LOVED the movie... I'm from Scotland and it was released here 25th may 2006. I just couldn't BELIEVE the effects that happened, but to be honest the story could have been much better. I don't like how the phoenix story is explained as it is clearly made that jean becomes the phoenix at the end of xmen 1... (for you ppl that don't know, it's supposed to be when magneto's statue of liberty/mutant creator/thing is supposed to turn everyone into mutants that the phoenix force is to come into contact with jean, therefor, that is how we see her gasping/shocked after it is destroyed), not that it has simply been a part of her for the whole time since Xavier and magneto met her as is explained in xmen 3! The story line in the movie jumps from character to character without much inter loop. It can jump from one scene to the other but you can still figure out where the story is going. One thing that really got me was the fact that in one scene, kitty pryde is an innocent student taking part in a classroom discussion with Xavier, and the next after his parting, she is suddenly a main character in a room with iceman, storm, wolverine and beast. Where is the gradual trust/bond that is made up through the previous 2 movies that makes the characters an 'x-man'? It's obviously missed with this movie and throws kitty straight into the limelight which was slightly disturbing (just like the fact that she takes it upon herself to save the mutant at the source of the 'cure').

    I would love to go into detail about the movie as so many things remain unanswered but I can't spoil it for the other fans who are yet to see it. All I have to say is be prepared to laugh, cry and deal with the demise/rise of certain characters in this movie. They certainly came as a shock to me, even after reading rumours circling the web about their story in the movie, I certainly wasn't prepared for the demise of a few characters and the hurt that was shown by the others. All in all, a FANTASTIC movie that has to be seen by not only x-men fans, but by all to complete this 'supposed trilogy'.

    The ending of the film (the effects and the powerful end to one of the characters knocked me for six completely!), and by all means, the clip that was shown to me after the end credits also took me by surprise. Like I said 'supposed trilogy' could make it into a 4-some. I've heard certain rumours about different end credits shown to different ppl and the one I was shown featured Moria McTaggart and her patient.... If it's true, I would like to see the 'jean grey/phoenix' ending to the movie, just so it can relate to the comics and build up a story for the 4th xmen movie... but then again.. I think the probability of that is slim to none.

    From seeing the 'Moria McTaggart' ending and hearing about the 'Jean Grey ending', I would have LOVED if both were shown and they were intersected to create the 4th x-men movie, but that all depends on how well this movie does at the box office and how well the fans receive it.

    I hope and dream for someone to announce X-Men 4 so the story can continue, but with certain characters gone, it may not be entirely possible. It's up to us, the fan's, to make X-Men 3 a success and for others to make X-Men 4 a possibility..

    ... Here's hoping we can continue the story and resurrect/reclaim the characters' demise in X-Men 3 to be a powerful resurrection to success for a hopeful X-Men 4.