• Warning: Spoilers
    Halle Berry has stated that this is her last superhero themed movie.

    All I have to say is THANK GOD. Storm was only cool in this movie when she was making with the lightning bolts. Such an awesome character would have been much better portrayed by someone the likes of Angela Bassett. But oh well. I wonder if she realizes that she was not the only Oscar winner in the cast? I'm sure James Marsden was thrilled that Cyclops was offed in order to placate Ms. Berry's need to be front and center.

    But anyway, to the movie itself. As a comic book fanatic, I will keep quiet about issues with the difference between book and film. I just think this movie tried to do too much with too little time. The script left oh so much to be desired, and a lot of dialog could be seen coming from miles away (my eyes about rolled out of my head when Kitty Pryde commented on missing the first snow back home when she was talking to Bobby). Jean Grey looked more like the world's hottest zombie than what the Phoenix should have resembled. Why Colossus was not utilized anymore than tossing Wolverine about is beyond me. Angel was an ineffective plot device. And Wolverine should never, ever be a whupped and whiny baby. Ever.

    Worth the money if you can watch a movie without thinking about it.