• Warning: Spoilers
    When I first saw this movie, I left the theater with a vague feeling of disappointment. It wasn't until I saw the movie the second time I started laughing.

    With lines such as, "Semper Fi, Mother******" being the the the most brilliantly written parts of the movie, you know you've been swindled out of the five and half bucks it cost you to rent this train wreck. The dialogue that was intended to be clever and witty made me actually want to rape and kill the nearest nun or person of the cloth.

    The acting wasn't all that bad, but some of the characters seemed outrageously stereotypical. You have the radical Christian guy who slices open his arm for taking the lord's name in vain; you've got the creepy white guy who peddles drugs and makes 'hysterical' jokes like, "I'm afraid I'm, eh, gonna have to, uh, strip search you fine ladies;" and you've got the die-hard, no-nonsense sergeant who'll stop at nothing to get his men home safely. Of course, he does shoot one of them in the face for no particular reason.

    The Rock undergoes a complete and instantaneous personality change partway through the movie. He watches a video that shows doctors injecting a serum into a man strapped to a table. After watching this, The Rock screams, "I DIDN'T SEE SH*T! I AIN'T PAID TO SEE SH*T!" From that point on, The Rock decides it's his duty to murder all the civilians he comes across, when before that, he was a relatively nice guy.

    And if you expected this to be a scary movie, you can wipe your hopes right off your face. The scariest part of this movie is a monkey hiding in an air vent. Yeah, that's right. A monkey. In a vent. It jumps out and goes, "CREEWEAEAE!" Instead of getting scaring the hell out of people like it was intended to do, half the theater was laughing. What kind of lame movie needs a cheap Cat-In-The-Cupboard scare to keep it interesting?

    Doom. Oh, and if you were expecting this to be anything even close to the game, don't get your hopes up. The font of the main title was same, but after that the movie just wandered further and further into the swirling grey cloud of stupidity.

    Acting: 5/10 Dialouge: 2/10 Story: 4/10 Overall Rating: 4/10

    I would not recommend buying this movie. I would not recommend renting this movie. I wouldn't even recommend going to friend's house to watch their copy of the movie.