
  • Basically, Jim Jarmush's best (and most accessible) film; Forrest Whitaker's best performance (and the best performances by a host of little recognized but worthy character actors), the best sound track, best music from the RZA; - I mean, '90's film-making just couldn't get better than this, and if you're having trouble understanding this, then read some books and see some movies, because this is a film that does not talk "down" to its audience, but expects us to live up to it.

    This is a film about the clash - and potential interweaving - of very different cultures. That the interweavings ultimately become untethered, is solely because we are not yet ready to live up to the promise of being a "multi-cultural" melting-pot that we have always promised ourselves we'd become.... But that doesn't give us any right to lose hope or stop trying.

    Ghost Dog is the spirit of this possible future. We don't have to have the worst of every culture, we could actually bring together the best.

    Magnificently written, shot, performed - and, despite a grim finale, one of the most optimistic films on this topic I've ever seen.

    It's a good book - I recommend it.