• Far be it for me to say, that not all movies have residual value.

    The studio exec's had a seven picture deal with McQueen's Seven Arts company, and did not like that Steve stood up for his project and would not lay down. He did not want to 'fake' the city back ground on studio 'back lots' he wanted to stay true to the art, not the convenience and artificiality of typical studio movie-faking techniques. The formed 'formula', that the Indies have been rebelling against for years. McQueen was a true rebel and with a method to his madness, indeed.

    The studios executives became so 'Upset' at his 'stance' that they came back to him and cut the contract with him, eliminating the remaining six unmade films. What a joke. That fact was the 'joke' was on them, in fairness the movie even after decades is still one of the strongest of action movies with a storyline to follow.

    No 'B-S' special effects. What you see took real-time work to make it happened. One of the fastest chase scenes ever filmed in a car after using the backdrop of 'Mansell' road in the San Fran area. The reason why the movie feels so good is due to being as close to real as possible.

    I hate, as I'm sure many discriminating movie lovers do, the executive presto-change-o in the movie script or budget, that is usually done at the last minute of production time, like what was done to Director: Sidney J Furie on "SUPERMAN IV" The Quest for Peace (1987) where they slashed his budget to about half of the original arrangement, and then said basically 'Well, what are you looking at? Get going! Bring us back a block-buster.' It's never been truer,what they say, choose your 'battles' wisely. This is how it looks when you have grit and stick to your business with strength, you either get killed, or you become immovable. The studio execs are not gods, of the entertainment world. Although they would like to think they are just that.

    But indeed, Steve took his 'licks' from the principals of the school of movie-hard-knocks and then got up again and said, I'll still do it in my style. -From what I read and heard about him. This is one of my all-time favorite movies. Thank you Mr. McQueen & Mr. Yates for making it Epic. There should be in the modern directorial training classes a of the way this was scripted, set up, lit and shot. Even after 30years plus, this still rocks even new productions and will live on further than many recent and newer films. The real interesting thing for me is that just as this is one of my all time favorite's, this was on the top four all-time favorites for "Elvis Presley".

    Recommended for lovers of awesome action and good stories. This is a winner all the way.(*****)