• I saw an early screening of C2 and I must say that the flick is way better than anyone thought it would be. Mr. Smith is back in prime form and I would dare to say that this is quite possibly his best work yet. Granted, this is not a film for everyone but, if you are not offended by purposefully vulgar humor, C2 should be on your "must see" list. Dante (Brian O' Halloran) and Randal (Jeff Anderson) are back with their humorous banter as if a whole decade had not gone by since we saw them last. Dante/Brian is practically flawless as the straight man while Randal/Jeff is one of the funniest actors around and their on-screen chemistry is simply wonderful. The new guy Elias (Trevor Fuhrman from "Now You Know") is a clever addition to the group while Rosario Dawson shines her irresistible charm on this little world of dysfunctional employees. The combination is a winning one and, if you add an healthy dose of Jay and Silent Bob to the mix, and even a musical number worthy of "The Blues Brothers", you have quite possibly the best comedy of the summer. This film is enjoyable even if you are not familiar with the original Clerks, but it's even better if you are. To top it all off, Kevin Smith shows us that he has learned from his mistakes and has now mastered the fine art of balancing comedy with truly heartfelt moments, staying clear of the sappiness that sunk "Jersey Girl". At the end of the film there were quite a few shiny eyes in the audience... bravo Mr Smith! You pulled off your best trick yet.