• Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know what to say really, to me, both the original Clerks and the sequel are equally great.

    But I have to give props to the sequel more for the very simple fact it took the original premise and took it a little farther this time. What was once a convenience store is now a Burger Joint, and what was once a duo is now a trio, and what was once Black and White is now...color! There was B&W for the very first and last scenes though, but that's pretty much all.

    So yes, newcomer Trevor Fehrman as the lovable Elias adds great to the sequel. His love and affection for Lord of the Rings and Transformers can never get any better than that...well, I take that back. What's better than that is seeing the Star Wars loving Randal bash it to the ground, kick it, set it on fire, and spit on the ashes. Look out for everything else he spews out of his mouth, its all worth it.

    Jason as Jay once again is nothing less than awesome as well. Despite his recent heroin abuse act a few years back, he came back clean and better than ever. He's probably funnier than he was in any of the other View Askew movies, with Bob kicking it back and providing some real laugh out loud one liners. I wish him the best, cause as the great guy he is in real life, he deserves it.

    Dante, Becky, Emma, and everyone else (except for the Donkey Sacker) was just kinda in the background, unfortunately. While Kevin tried to do some of his "sentimental" moments in this movie to try not to make it a pure comedy, I just give him credit in trying. I thought the whole story was okay, it really had its moments (especially the Go Kart discussion and Randal's confession in the end, every girl in the theater were really tearing for the guy) but it was nothing more than that. The real show stealers for me were with the pessimistic Randal and the carefree Jay and Silent Bob, they really made the movie worth it and honestly they were the real reason why I wanted to see this anyway.

    And be honest, that's the real reason why you wanna see it too. Kevin Smith "tell it like it is" wit + Jay + Randal = Clerks. Especially Clerks II. Overall, worth the time and money. Especially for the Kevin Smith devotee and View Askew-phile. And definitely worth the purchase as soon as it hits DVD shelves.

    And yeah, Ben afflek and Jason Lee also make appearances too. Small but mildly effective.